Our Accommodation of April
Falling Waters -koulubussi / School buss |
Taustalla oleva korkea rakennus oli meidän pikkunen maja! / Our home in higher building at back |
We lived with Hendrik at April in Falling Waters -school yard. The owner couple rented an accommodation for us. They live swell in the same yard with their son and his family. Falling Waters -name have become from Nyahururu Thomson Falls.
Tässä on hyvä linkki koulusta tehtyyn videoon. Videon on tehnyt Hendrikin virolainen ystävä maraton-juoksija, Tiidrek Nurme yhteistyössä Valdur Rosenvaldin kanssa. Videolla pääsette näkemään myös koulun perustajapariskunnan Johnin ja Maryn!
Here's link to see more about the school. Video is amazing and it's made by Hendrik's good friend, Estonian marathon runner Tiidrek Nurme and behind the camera Valdur Rosenvald. There you can see the owner couple John and Mary aswell!
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Oppitunnilla / At Class |
We got chance to look closer of students life at school and take part in the classes already when Merle (Hendrik's mum) was still in Kenya. Falling Waters is split in two schools, primary & secondary. We lived in primary school yard. In Kenya children start school very early at age 4. School rules and discipline are strict. Second time teasing you are separated from school. Smartphones and social media aren't disturbing because students don't have those things there. School can be challenge especially for poor families, because lack of money. That's why all kids don't go to school.
Tässä koulussa on oppilaita, jotka asuvat koulussa ja toiset kotona. Koulussa asuvat oppilaat ovat suurimmaksi osaksi pelastettuja kauhistuttavista olosuhteista. Koulun perustajapariskunnan nainen, Mary Gitahi, on näiden pelastusten takana. Pääsimme kuulemaan heidän tarinoitansa.
Yksi 6-vuotias tyttö oli pelastettu hänen ollessaan naimisissa 45-vuotiaan miehen kanssa. Toinen tyttö on paraikaa 5-vuotias ja hänen äitinsä 15vuotias käy samaa koulua kuin hän, mutta lukiossa. Uskomattomia kohtaloita ja lapsia, mitä heidän on pitänyt jo nyt läpi käydä elämässään niin pienenä. Tuli siinä itsellekin kuumat silmät kun nämä viattomat siinä edessä seisoivat. Ehkä omat ongelmat ei olleetkaan niin suuria.
In this school part of students live here and part home. Mostly those pupils who live in school are rescued from awful circumstances. The owner couple woman, Mary Gitahi, is one who rescues these children. We heard their stories. One 6 year old girl had been saved from marriage to 45 year old man. Other 5 year old girl is going to same school as her 15 year old mum, who is in secondary. Unbelievable destinies and children who have had to go through already so much in their short lives. I couldn't help myself holding tears. Maybe own problems weren't that big.
Koululaisia univormuissaan / Students in uniforms |
Despite of past of these children they still keep smiling. Schooldays can be eight hours long even for the smallest children. Still they woke up and are full of happiness entering their studies. It is a privilege to have place in school. Not everybody have that.
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